Francisco Moral-Pulido is currently a PhD scholar at the University of Jaén, Spain, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (2018) and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering (2021). The Spanish Ministry of Universities awarded him a grant in 2019 to undertake his PhD, which is being supervised by Prof. Carlos Martínez-Bazán and Dr. Cándido Gutiérrez-Montes. His research is focused on the mechanisms which induce the motion of the cerebrospinal fluid and its solute transport along the spinal subarachnoid space, in order to improve the intrathecal drug delivery protocols. He also takes part in a multidisciplinary research group, in which universities and research centres of Spain and the US are involved. Thank to this joint project, he has recently done a short research stay (University of California, San Diego) under the supervision of Prof. Antonio L. Sánchez.