
Jonathan Leloux

I possess 17 years of experience in the field of solar photovoltaic energy, working as an engineer, researcher, consultant and entrepreneur.

My expertise includes photovoltaic (PV) systems, distributed PV and PV plants, bifacial PV, agrivoltaics, BIPV, floating PV, CPV, and solar resource assessment.

I am the founder and managing director of LuciSun. We offer specialized services to solar energy plant managers, consulting companies, investment entities, and public bodies. These services include energy yield simulation, performance assessment, due diligence, monitoring, reporting, and fault detection and diagnosis.

I have participated in several research projects at the national and European levels. I am currently participating in the H2020 project SERENDI-PV as the leader of Work Package 7: Collaborative modelling & monitoring platform. I am involved in the EU COST project Pearl PV as the Group Leader of the Work Group 5: PV in grids. I am a participant in the IEA PVPS Programme Task 13: PV system performance and Task 15: BIPV. I am a member of the Administration Board of BDPV.

I have been working for several years as an expert evaluator and rapporteur for the European Commission.

I am a Scientific Collaborator at Ecole Polytechnique Bruxelles – Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). I am the author of several dozens of scientific publications, communications and patents on solar energy, including PV systems monitoring, performance and fault detection, concentrating photovoltaics (CPV), solar resource assessment (GHI, GTI, DNI, spectral), and grid integration.

I am an editor for IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics and a frequent reviewer for several high-level scientific journals in the field of solar energy and renewable energy.